About Us

About Cultural Academic Student Exchange (CASE)
CASE places students in all areas of the United States. CASE has qualified Area Representatives throughout the country. These key people recruit, screen and communicate with the potential host families. These people also work closely with the local school and its staff. The CASE Area Representatives are highly dedicated, loving and tireless individuals who not only love the exchange students but also enjoy their work with the host families and the local schools.
How It Works
The Cultural Academic Student Exchange Academic Year Program (AYP 10) and the Semester Program (AYP 5) are designated to provide foreign students with an intensive cultural and academic experience in an American family environment.
The volunteer host families are carefully screened and selected. Each potential host family must be visited personally and references must be checked. Each host family will be assigned an Area Representative with whom to work and communicate. The host family is asked to make its exchange student a regular member of the family. CASE looks for warm, loving and caring families. Families who are willing to share their life, love and time with the foreign student are ideal.
The school plays a pivotal role in the Academic Year and Semester Programs. Before a student can be placed in any school, the School Acceptance Form must be signed by a school official. The school counselor will be given a copy of the entire student application for the guidance file. The Area Representative should speak with the guidance official at least once per month so that progress can be reported overseas. The school must be made aware that CASE is there to assist and help. If there is ever a problem at school CASE will always be there to listen, help and act if necessary. Letters will go out to the school official who signs the Acceptance Form. The job of CASE is to ensure that everyone has a successful experience. A vast majority of international students do well and excel in their studies. CASE can not guarantee that a student will receive a diploma. That is the decision of the local school. Also, CASE makes all students aware that some courses completed in an American high school may or may not be transferable back to a student’s native country.

We Are Proud Members Of...
These organizations stand for excellence, knowledge, standards, and tradition. We stand with you, and together we are creating a world in which opportunity and education are accessible to all!